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Pharma Franchise for Anti bacterial Products | Anti bacterial Medicine Company

Pharma Franchise for Anti bacterial Products – Top Anti bacterial Medicine Company is inviting to pharma professionals who want to start own franchise business for Anti bacterial medicine range.

Antibacterials are described as agents used to eliminate potentially harmful bacteria or disinfect surfaces. Unlike antibiotics, they are not used as medicines for humans or animals, but are found in products such as skincare creams, soaps, detergents, and household cleaners.

The terminology of Antimicrobial, antibiotic, antibacterial, should be more specific based on the two things i,e source of their origin and the type of organism against which it is effective. Antimicrobial agent is any agent effective against any microorganism (bacteria, fungi, virus, parasite) and its original source may be natural, semi synthetic or synthetic.

ntibacterial is any agent effective against bacteria its source may be any (natural ,semisynthetic , synthetic). Similarly antiviral or antifungal or antiprotozoal, or anthelmintic etc are the antimicrobial agents effective against specific microorganism and their source may be any.


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